Relationship between self-care and depression and anxiety symptoms in individuals undergoing hemodialysis


  • Loren Caroline Bettoni Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Ana Carolina Ottaviani Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Fabiana de Souza Orlandi Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Self Care, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic, Depression, Anxiety


Objective: to evaluating the ability for self-care and its relationship with depression and anxiety symptoms in hemodialysis patients. Methods: a correlational, cross-sectional study conducted with 100 participants. The following instruments were used: Appraisal of Self Care Agency Scale – Revised (ASAS-R), which indicates the ability of patients to self-care, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, which evaluates the presence or absence of depression and anxiety symptoms. Results: the participants had a mean score of 60.64 (±8.24) on the Appraisal of Self Care Agency Scale - Revised, indicating a good level of self-care agency. A negative correlation of moderate magnitude was found between the ability to self-care and symptoms of anxiety (r=-0.328) and depression (r=-0.387). Conclusion: individuals undergoing hemodialysis treatment presented good self-care agency and those with depression and/or anxiety symptoms showed less ability to self-care.


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Author Biographies

Loren Caroline Bettoni, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Docente Adjunta III do Curso de Gerontologia da Universidade Federal de São Carlos.

Ana Carolina Ottaviani, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Graduanda em Gerontologia da Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Fabiana de Souza Orlandi, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Doutoranda em Ciências da Saúde do Programa de Pós Graduação em Enfermagem




How to Cite

Bettoni, L. C., Ottaviani, A. C., & Orlandi, F. de S. (2017). Relationship between self-care and depression and anxiety symptoms in individuals undergoing hemodialysis. Rev Rene, 18(2), 181–186.



Research Article

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