Association between physical frailty and cognitive scores in older adults
Frail Elderly, Geriatric Nursing, Cognition.Abstract
Objective: to investigate the association between physical frailty and cognitive scores in older adults at an Open University of the Third Age in Southern Brazil. Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study with convenience sample comprising 100 elderly, conducted from March to June 2013. For cognitive assessment, we applied the Mini Mental State Examination and the Edmonton Frail Scale. Results: there was a predominance of females (93%), with a mean age of 65.6 years. 81% of the participants were classified as non-frail, 16% as apparently vulnerable to frailty, and 3% as mild frailty. There was a significant association between cognitive performance and frailty (p<0.006). Conclusion: the research on the association between physical frailty and cognitive scores in older people promotes the construction of gerontological care plans aimed at managing this syndrome.Downloads
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Grden, C. R. B., Barreto, M. F. C., Sousa, J. A. V. de, Chuertniek, J. A., Reche, P. M., & Borges, P. K. de O. (2015). Association between physical frailty and cognitive scores in older adults. Rev Rene, 16(3).
Research Article