Disabled person: construction of concept by this population


  • Lorita Marlena Freitag Pagliuca
  • Paula Marciana Pinheiro de Oliveira
  • Monaliza Ribeiro Mariano
  • Jacqueline Mota da Silva
  • Paulo Cesar de Almeida
  • Giselly Oseni Barbosa Oliveira




Disabled Persons, Concept Formation, Mobility Limitation, Visually Impaired Persons, Persons with Hearing Impairments.


Objective: to build the concept of disabled person. Methods: study of analysis of concept using the phases field work and statistical analysis with 120 individuals divided into three groups of 40 people with hearing, visual and motor disability. Results: there was predomination of men (68%), 18-29 years old (55%), with superior education (35%) and married/common-law married (75%). The attribute accepted was person with limitation and still able to perform activity, with a difference between groups (p = 0.018); the keyword accepted was limitation (p = 0.001); the expression was disabled person, with intergroup difference (p = 0.013). Concept of choice by group was deaf (97.51%); blind (45%) and person with visual disability (45%) and; person with physical disability (27.5%). Conclusion: attributes, keywords used in the literature and public policy were not accepted. They prefer to be called deaf; blind or visually impaired; They reject people with motor disability and wheelchair user.





How to Cite

Pagliuca, L. M. F., Oliveira, P. M. P. de, Mariano, M. R., Silva, J. M. da, Almeida, P. C. de, & Oliveira, G. O. B. (2015). Disabled person: construction of concept by this population. Rev Rene, 16(5), 705–713. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.2015000500012



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