Health education for early detection of breast cancer in blind women


  • Inacia Sátiro Xavier de França
  • Francisco Stélio de Sousa
  • Arthur Felipe Rodrigues Silva
  • Jamilly da Silva Aragão
  • Cibely Freire de Oliveira
  • Rosilene Santos Baptista



Nursing, Health Education, Breast Neoplasms.


Objective: to assess the knowledge of blind women about the risk factors for breast cancer and whether they look for early detection of this cancer. Methods: a quasi-experimental study with 72 blind women distributed in focus groups. Data were collected through interviews. Results: few participants had knowledge about one or more risk factors for breast cancer, but most practiced early detection. Health education was developed using breast kits and demonstration of breast self-examination. It was obtained qualitative improvement of knowledge of the participants about breast cancer, its risk factors and early detection practices. In addition, participants demonstrated breast self-examination confidently. Conclusion:we need to develop in a harder manner educational activities to clarify about breast cancer risk factors and the importance of periodically carrying out breast self-examination, clinical examination and mammography.





How to Cite

França, I. S. X. de, Sousa, F. S. de, Silva, A. F. R., Aragão, J. da S., Oliveira, C. F. de, & Baptista, R. S. (2015). Health education for early detection of breast cancer in blind women. Rev Rene, 16(6), 890–899.



Research Article

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