Changes on the everyday living of people with spinal cord injury
Spinal Cord Injuries; Wheelchairs; Disabled Persons.Abstract
Objective: apprehend the changes occurred on the everyday living of people with spinal cord Injury. Methods: qualitative research, anchored on the Symbolic Interactionism. Participants were 23 individuals with spinal cord injury intentionally selected, from the Family Health Strategy and a Paradesportive Association. Data were collected through semi structured interviews, in which were recorded, fully transcribed, organized on IRAMUTEQ software, and, later submitted to content analysis, thematic modality. Results: two thematic categories emerged, which show the experiences of incapacity, dependency and impotency feelings; difficulties in social, family and in sexual function adaptation, aside from pain advent, muscle spasms, pressure sores and urinary tract infection. Conclusion: changes experienced in the emotional, physiological and interactional context are complex and significant, however, there is chair appropriation, social adaptation and overcoming over time.
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