Frailty and social support of the elderly in contexts of social vulnerability
Frail Elderly; Social Support; Social Vulnerability.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the relationship between of frailty and the family social relationships of the elderly in a context of social vulnerability. Methods: a cross-sectional study with elderly people enrolled in five Reference Centers for Social Assistance. Sample for convenience composed of 247 elderly. For data collection, a sociodemographic questionnaire, Edmonton Frailty Scale, Genogram and Eco-maps were used. Social vulnerability characterized according to Social Vulnerability Index. Results: of the respondents, 41.7% did not present frailty, 21.5% were apparently vulnerable and 36.8% frail. There was no significant difference between frailty and family relationship. There was significant difference between frailty and external attachment (p=0.010), indicating that elderly individuals with frailty at some level had a limited external link. Conclusion: elderly people who have a close relationship with family members, did not present frailty, while the majority of the elderly who do not have external ties, presented some level of frailty.
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