Educational activities with the elderly in vulnerable situations
Aged, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Health Education, Health Promotion, NursingAbstract
This study aimed at analyzing the knowledge of the elderly on the prevention of AIDS before and after the practice of education in health. This is a quasi-experimental study with a quantitative approach, performed in the Social Assistance Reference Centers, with 60 seniors. It was developed in Parnamirim, RN, Brazil, from February to June 2014. Data were collectedthrough a questionnaire with closed questions about AIDS. In principle, most patients (61.6%) said they did not know what AIDS was, but this soon became reality after conducting a dialog lecture as a health education tool. There was a statistically significant difference. We conclude that education about AIDS is important to adopt a collective vision on the various socio-cultural contexts in which the elderly are inserted.
How to Cite
Isoldi, D. M. R., Cabral, A. M. de F., & Simpson, C. A. (2014). Educational activities with the elderly in vulnerable situations. Rev Rene, 15(6).
Research Article