Teaching-learning methodologies from the perspective of nursing students





Faculty; Nursing; Methodology; Nursing Evaluation Research.


Objective: to evaluate the teaching-learning methodologies adopted by teachers of a Nursing course from the perspective of students. Methods: research with mixed methods of the convergent type. This is an excerpt of a comprehensive project of evaluation a program, using the Context, Input, Process, and Product evaluation model. Quantitative data (cross-sectional study with secondary data) and qualitative data were collected concomitantly and then triangulated. Results: regarding the teaching methodologies adopted by teachers, the participating students reported greater use of expository and dialogic classes, 161 (67.6%), among teachers of the basic subjects; and non-dialogic expository classes, 226 (92.6%), by teachers of specific subjects of the nursing area. Traditional teaching and traditional assessment methodologies predominated in all courses. Conclusion: the participating students considered predominantly traditional methodologies and wanted to experience active methods, highlighting the need for interdisciplinarity and greater teaching-service-community integration.


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How to Cite

Souto, R. Q., Linhares, F. M. P., Canêjo, M. I. de M., Tourinho, F. S. V., Cordeiro, R. C., & Pluye, P. (2018). Teaching-learning methodologies from the perspective of nursing students. Rev Rene, 19, e3408. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.2018193408



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