Perceptions of health professionals on social inclusion in a Psychosocial Care Center
Social Support; Mental Health Services; Psychiatric Nursing; Mental Health.Abstract
Objective: to understand the perceptions of the technical team about social inclusion in the Psychosocial Care Center. Methods: qualitative research, developed with 20 health professionals. A semi-structured interview technique and non-participant observation were used. Data analyzed through the descending hierarchical classification and content thematic analysis, processed in the Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d’un Ensemble de Segments de Texte software. Results: three categories emerged: Social inclusion, family participation in inclusion/exclusion and income generation; Therapeutic activities: inclusion inside and outside the Psychosocial Care Center; and Challenges of inclusion: service management and professional training. Conclusion: prejudice or discrimination in this field, coupled with the difficulties of support of the management with service and stiffening of the work process with centrality in the psychiatric consultation, jeopardize attempts at rehabilitation and social inclusion of users and families.
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