Patient’s satisfaction with nursing care on the post-surgery of radical prostatectomy
Patient Satisfaction; Nursing Care; Prostatectomy.Abstract
Objective: to evaluate the satisfaction of patient and his experiences with nursing care in the post-surgery of open radical prostatectomy. Methods: cross sectional study carried out with 60 patients. It was used a form with personal and clinical characterization of subjects and the Brazilian version of instrument Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scales. It was used descriptive analysis of data and of correlation of the patient’s characteristics with satisfaction scores and patient experience. Results: the patients’ satisfaction and experience of positives experiences with nursing care in the post-surgery period was related mainly to educational role of the nursing team, communication skill and respect to privacy. Patients with previous hospitalization in other institution showed higher satisfaction level compared with those that not have previous hospitalization. Conclusion: patients submitted to open radical prostatectomy had positives experiences and demonstrated higher level of satisfaction with nursing care.
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