(In)dependence of elderly people at their home in performing basic activities of daily living


  • Silvana Sidney Costa Santos
  • Daiane Porto Gautério
  • Danielle Adriane Silveira Vidal
  • Bibiane Moura da Rosa
  • Bruna Zortea
  • Bianca Silveira Urquia


Aged, Geriatric Assessment, Nursing.


We aimed to outline the (in)dependence in performing basic activities of daily living of elderly people at home; apply educational geronto-technology to minimize specific functional loss; identify functional changes of these people, after using educational geronto-technology. This is a descriptive quantitative research, carried out in Rio Grande-RS, Brazil, with 109 elderly in three stages, from February 2011 to April 2012, using structured interview and the Katz Index. Data were grouped for statistical/descriptive treatment. First stage: female (69.7%), aged 60-69 years (43.0%), married (42.2%). Second stage: applying educational geronto-technology. Third stage: profile similarity of elderly people regarding the first stage. In performing basic activities of daily living, 21% of the elderly presented some dependence in the two data collections, highlighting the (urinary) continence function. Nurses need to understand the functional assessment of the elderly as a guiding tool for the planning and implementation of care.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20130003000014




How to Cite

Santos, S. S. C., Gautério, D. P., Vidal, D. A. S., Rosa, B. M. da, Zortea, B., & Urquia, B. S. (2013). (In)dependence of elderly people at their home in performing basic activities of daily living. Rev Rene, 14(3). Retrieved from http://www.periodicos.ufc.br/rene/article/view/3494



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