Alcohol consuption among academics of physical education


  • João Jorge da Costa Júnior
  • Rita Ivana Barbosa Gomes
  • Vanessa Emille Carvalho de Sousa
  • Ana Hélia de Lima Sardinha
  • Maria Teresa Martins Viveiros


Alcohol Drinking, Prevalence, Students.


This is a cross-sectional study that aims to determine the prevalence of alcohol consumption among physical education students of a public university of São Luís-MA. The sample consisted of 80 students. It was identified the following profile: 44 men and 36 women, aged between 18 and 21 years, most Catholics and having family income between $ 1,440.00 and $ 2,400.00. The prevalence of alcohol use was 95%, being higher among men (97.72%). The problematic use of alcohol, detected by the CAGE test, showed that 15% had physical and psychic problems and 23.75% mentioned to have missed classes in the last 30 days because of alcohol consumption. The study showed a significant number of students that had an exacerbated level of alcohol consumption, which draws attention to the need of addressing the topic of alcoholism in the academic scenario.



How to Cite

Costa Júnior, J. J. da, Gomes, R. I. B., Sousa, V. E. C. de, Sardinha, A. H. de L., & Viveiros, M. T. M. (2012). Alcohol consuption among academics of physical education. Rev Rene, 13(2). Retrieved from



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