Prevalence and spatial distribution of Mycobacterium leprae infection in a medium endemicity municipality
Leprosy; Spatial Analysis; Serology; Epidemiological Monitoring.Abstract
Objective: analyze serological profile and spatial distribution of Mycobacterium leprae infection and disease. Methods: cross-sectional study with cases of leprosy (n=42), household contacts (n=81) and school contacts (n=358). Interviews, dermato-neurological examination, serological and georeferencing made. Results: all seropositive cases lived in rural areas, more than two people per household, 50.0% had alteration of foot strength. 75.0% were elderly and married participants. Among seropositive schoolchildren, 75.0% female, 69.4% lived with more than four people 80.6% slept in the bedroom with someone. It was possible to observe hyper endemic areas of cases in the studied municipality and spatial-temporal relation among them (p=0.010). In addition, concentration of cases and schoolchildren in sectors of lower family income per capita was found. Conclusion: the serological analysis revealed that the cohabitation condition was related to the Mycobacterium leprae infection, and the spatial analysis showed a hidden endemic scenario.
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