Conflicting daily life of families experiencing drug use
Activities of Daily Living; Family Relations; Drug Users; Mental Health; Family Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to understand the conflicting daily lives of families experiencing drug use. Methods: a qualitative study, carried out with 15 family members, followed at the Center for Psychosocial Care Alcohol and Drugs. Data collection took place through in-depth interviews, recorded and transcribed in full. Data organized by Iramuteq® software, categorized through thematic analysis and discussed in the light of comprehensive sociology. Results: the following classes emerged: Interdependence between family and drug dependent person; Perpetuation and repetition of drug dependence within the family; Conflicting harmony of intra-family relations; and Importance of spirituality for relationship and coping with drug addiction. Conclusion: it was found that families experiencing drug dependence have conflicts and distress in their daily lives, which cause suffering, violence, weakening of bonds and codependency. In order to face such situations, they relied on spirituality.
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