Depressive symptoms and adherence to treatment among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus


  • Juciene Matos Braz
  • Mônica Rodrigues Silva
  • Cristiane Franca Lisboa Gois
  • Tércio Matos Braz
  • Valmira dos Santos
  • Lausimary Araújo São Mateus Silva


Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Depression, Medication Adherence.


This study aimed to verify the association between depressive symptoms and socio-demographic and clinical variables, and the adherence to drug treatment among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). A descriptive study developed with a sample of 145 people with DM2. We used the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Measurement of Treatment Adherence (MTA). The average age of participants was 60.4 years, 77.2% were female and 51.7% had a partner. The average BDI was 18.4 and 33.1% of the subjects presented depressive symptoms. Physical activity practice was associated to better BDI evaluation (p<0.05). No important clinically correlation was observed between the BDI and the MTA (r<0.30). Approximately half of the participants tended to trigger depression. Physical activity practice is related to better median values at the BDI.



How to Cite

Braz, J. M., Silva, M. R., Gois, C. F. L., Braz, T. M., Santos, V. dos, & Silva, L. A. S. M. (2012). Depressive symptoms and adherence to treatment among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Rev Rene, 13(5). Retrieved from



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