Quality of life of nursing students: analysis in light of the Pender’s model
Health Promotion; Nursing; Nursing Theory; Quality of Life.Abstract
Objective: to understand the lifestyles of nursing students in the light of the Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model. Methods: qualitative study conducted with 11 nursing students through a focus group using a semi-structured script. Two analytical categories were obtained: Individual characteristics and experiences; Feelings and knowledge about the behavior to be achieved. Results: the short time and poor quality of sleep, sedentary lifestyle and inadequate diet, which are related to the university routine, were reported by the academics as main factors that affect quality of life. Conclusion: the use of this model was important to identify the factors that affect the students’ lifestyles, biopsychosocial aspects and their correlations, demonstrating its relevance in pointing out the need for interventions that meet their reality.
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