Primary Health Care to meet families of children with special needs
Disabled Children; Primary Health Care; Child Health Services; Family.Abstract
Objective: to understand the organization of the Primary Health Care service to meet families of children with special needs. Methods: qualitative research, developed with 33 professionals, through semi-structured interviews. We used thematic categorical analysis, with the aid of the WebQDA® software. Results: we raised two categories: Strengths and weaknesses in the organization of the care of children with special needs, which showed ambiguity in the assistance in relation to the understanding of the rights and participation of families in the follow-up; and Infrastructure of services for meeting children with special needs, where limitations were expressed in the organization of services and in Health Care Networks. Conclusion: we perceived ambiguity and unpreparedness of services in relation to the care of these children, in the qualification of the team, as well as the lack of specific protocols to standardize this assistance.
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