Compliance with the Cesarean Surgical Safety Checklis




Patient Safety; Cesarean Section; Checklist; Obstetric Nursing.


Objective: to verify compliance with the procedures of health teams in cesarean surgery. Methods: cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study, performed in an Obstetric Center of a public hospital, with 220 cesarean surgeries. The Tukey test and the Analysis of Variance were used, considering a significance of 5%. Results: the mean age of the patients was 28.8 years (± 6.06). The main indications for cesarean surgery were: fetal distress (12.8%), gestational diabetes (9.5%), interactivity (9.2%), previous cesarean surgery (8.2%) and severe pre-eclampsia (5.9 %). There was an absence of unified conduct and incipient communication among professionals. The compliance rates of the teams’ compliance with the items in the Checklist for Dimensions A, B and C were, respectively, 36.0%, 11.1% and 50.0%. Conclusion: there was a low compliance of teams to surgical safety procedures in cesarean surgeries.


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How to Cite

Boeckmann, L. M. M., Rodrigues, M. C. S. ., & Oliveira, C. M. de . (2020). Compliance with the Cesarean Surgical Safety Checklis. Rev Rene, 21, e43912.



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