Experience of women in the transfer from planned home birth to hospital





Perception; Women; Home Childbirth; Humanizing Delivery; Obstetric Nursing.


Objective: to describe the experiences of women in the transfer from planned home birth to the hospital. Methods: qualitative research, subsidized by Thematic Oral History, in which six women participated, attended by the home birth team and transferred to a maternity ward, during the parturition process. The semi-structured interview script with oral history generated five categories. Results: five thematic categories emerged: Motivating factors for choosing planned home birth; Positive experiences on intrapartum care in the home environment; Indications of hospital transfer; Feelings experienced during and after hospital transfer; Obstetric violence during hospitalization. Conclusion: the motivations for choosing planned home birth favored the positive experience of the parturition process, while hospitalization reflected obstetric violence.


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How to Cite

Pereira, M. F. R. ., Rodrigues, S. de S. ., Rodrigues, M. de S. D. ., Rodrigues, W. F. G. ., Batista, M. G. ., Braga, L. S. ., & Andrade, S. S. da C. (2020). Experience of women in the transfer from planned home birth to hospital . Rev Rene, 21, e43948. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20202143948



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