Sociodemographic factors and physical activity pattern in people with systemic hypertension




Socioeconomic Factors; Hypertension; Sedentary Behavior; Nursing; Risk Factors.


Objective: to verify the association between sociodemographic factors and physical activity pattern in people with systemic hypertension. Methods: a cross-sectional study conducted with 220 hypertensive people. The international physical activity questionnaire was used for data collection and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for data treatment. Prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using a robust Poisson regression model. Results: sedentary behavior pattern prevailed in all sections of the instrument. At work, the sedentary behavior pattern was prevalent in males and in participants aged ≥ 60 years. At home, males were 16.0% more sedentary, age ≥ 60 years old had 13.0% more sedentary behavior pattern and black race 43.0% more sedentary behavior pattern. Conclusion: an association was observed between the sex, age, and race variables in the home domain; and sex and age in the work dimension.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. T. O. ., Oliveira, C. C. . R. B. ., Oliveira, L. B. ., Sampaio, E. . e S. ., & Pires, C. G. da S. . (2020). Sociodemographic factors and physical activity pattern in people with systemic hypertension. Rev Rene, 21, e43949.



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