Factors related to the knowledge of nursing professionals about pharmacovigilance





Pharmaceutical Preparations; Drug Utilization; Pharmacovigilance; Patient Safety; Nurse Practitioners.


Objective: to verify the factors related to the knowledge of nursing professionals about pharmacovigilance. Methods: cross-sectional study, carried out with 271 nursing professionals, with university and school level, through convenience sampling. A questionnaire, consisting of two parts, was used: one about the sociodemographic and professional profile, and the other about knowledge in pharmacovigilance and the practice of reporting adverse events related to medications. The data were analyzed in a descriptive and inferential manner, through comparison and correlation tests, considering a significance level of 5%. Results: the knowledge score showed statistical differences in relation to professional training, function performed in the institution and the age of the professionals, while the practice of notifications did not obtain significantly statistical differences. Conclusion: the factors related to the knowledge in pharmacovigilance of nursing professionals were professional training, the role played in the institution and the age of the professionals.


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How to Cite

Macêdo, G. G. C., Oliveira-Figueirêdo, D. S. T. de, Andrade, L. L. de, & Carvalho, M. A. P. de. (2020). Factors related to the knowledge of nursing professionals about pharmacovigilance. Rev Rene, 21, e44118. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20202144118



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