Humanized care in high-risk prenatal care: nurses’ perceptions




Pregnancy, High-Risk; Obstetric Nursing; Prenatal Care; Qualitative Research.


Objective: to unveil nurses’ perceptions about humanized care in high-risk prenatal care. Methods: a qualitative study, with six nurses who worked in high-risk prenatal care. Data collection took place using semi-structured interviews. To analyze the results, the content analysis technique was used. Results: the adoption of humanized care consisted of actions related to user embracement, personalized care, dialogue with pregnant women and the establishment of a trustful relationship. The main humanization practices were guided visits to maternity hospitals; creating educational groups; the use of non-pharmacological methods for pain relief during labor; and encouraging companion support. Conclusion: participating nurses understood the humanization concept and associated humanization practices to the embracement of pregnant women, guided visits, personalized care, guidance on the use of non-pharmacological methods and the promotion of connections with pregnant women.


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How to Cite

Jorge, H. M. F., Silva, R. M. da, & Makuch, M. Y. (2020). Humanized care in high-risk prenatal care: nurses’ perceptions. Rev Rene, 21, e44521.



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