Risk for diabetes mellitus type 2: the speech of the literature and implications for nursing (part 1)


  • Maria Elisabeth Ribeiro da Silva
  • Markleide Caracas de Souza
  • Paula Daiane Silva de Souza
  • Lúcia de Fátima da Silva
  • Marta Maria Coelho Damasceno


Diabetes Mellitus type 2, risk factors, prevention nursing.


It is a bibliographical study concerning the risk factors for diabetes mellitus type 2 and the conducts that to be adopted for the prevention. Therefore, the bases of data were consulted Medline and Lilacs, besides books, magazines, newspaper, Annals of the Brazilian Congresses of Diabetes and official publications of the Ministry of the Health. It was verified that subject comes being quite  studied so much by the professionals of the most varied areas in Brazil as in the exterior. It alerts nurses for the importance of the risk people’s identification, as well as of educational actions for the prevention of the DM2.




How to Cite

Silva, M. E. R. da, Souza, M. C. de, Souza, P. D. S. de, Silva, L. de F. da, & Damasceno, M. M. C. (2003). Risk for diabetes mellitus type 2: the speech of the literature and implications for nursing (part 1). Rev Rene, 4(2). Retrieved from http://www.periodicos.ufc.br/rene/article/view/5701



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