Surpassing the usual understanding of the cognitive in the daily of a group of mastectomized’s women


  • Marcos Venícios de Oliveira Lopes
  • Zulene Maria de Vasconcelos Varela


Mastectomy, Cognition.


The work search to describe the form as the cognitive and the daily they associate in the work developed in a group of women mastectomized. For so much, it was looked for to apply the referential of Mafesoli as base for the analysis of the daily of work of the group GEPAM of the Project Saúde da Mulher of the Nursing Department of the Federal University of Ceará. The observations were accomplished during some encounters of the group and they took to the following reflections: The expressed socially and apprehended in this group it evidences the professionals’ commitment that maintain the group and the need that the own members of the group sit down of living a totality as human being. The complexity concepts evidenced during the meetings included: the consideration of the members in its individuality, the holism and the no-linearity. It is ended that the cohesion of the group is what it maintains the existence of the same, and that cohesion was reached by the search of an union it interns, a structuring not only physics but, above all, affective.



How to Cite

Lopes, M. V. de O., & Varela, Z. M. de V. (2001). Surpassing the usual understanding of the cognitive in the daily of a group of mastectomized’s women. Rev Rene, 2(1). Retrieved from



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