The hypertense aged people and the self-care


  • Maria Roberlandia Soares de Melo Freire
  • Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega


Self-care, Aged people, Hypertension.


This study had as objective to apply and to evaluate the concepts of the Self-care Deficit Theory of Nursing the Orem in the systematization of the nursing assistance hypertense aged people. The results allowed the identification of the nursing diagnoses, for which the sell-care actions were developed, implemented and appraised. Ending, the importance of the practice’s application of the nursing process to the light of the Orem self-care referential, that facilitated the identification of diagnoses, the planning, the execution and the evaluation of the nursing attendance, seeking to the customer’s placement in the self-care.



How to Cite

Freire, M. R. S. de M., & Nóbrega, M. M. L. da. (2001). The hypertense aged people and the self-care. Rev Rene, 2(1). Retrieved from



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