Teaching strategies used in the training of the nurse-educator: an integrative review





Education, Nursing; Health Education; Teaching Materials; Education, Higher.


Objective: to investigate which teaching strategies are used in the training of the nurse-educator in nursing undergraduate courses at a national and international level. Methods: an integrative review carried out in the databases Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, Current Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Web of Science, SCOPUS. No time limits were determined. Results: Based on the seven selected articles, different teaching strategies used in the training of nurse-educators in Nursing courses were identified in countries such as Brazil, United States of America, United Kingdom, Spain and Germany. The strategies identified were: Digital Teaching Materials, Role Playing Game, Problematization, Poetry, Practical Experience, Educational Games and Educational Action Formulation and Development. Conclusion: the strategies identified relate to the Modern-Traditional and Modern-Dialogical benchmarks, with little or no openness to sensitive, ethical-aesthetic-political experimentation in the fields of action that relate to Health Education.


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How to Cite

Cecilio, S. G., Gomes, A. T. de L., Goulart, C. F., Vieira, L. G., & Gazzinelli, M. F. (2021). Teaching strategies used in the training of the nurse-educator: an integrative review. Rev Rene, 22, e61210. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20212261210



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