The experience of patients undergoing liver transplantation in the transition of care




Nursing Care; Continuity of Patient Care; Transplant Recipients; Liver Transplantation; Transitional Care.


Objective: to understand the experience of patients undergoing liver transplantation in the transition of care between hospital and home. Methods: study with a qualitative approach, with 20 patients undergoing liver transplantation who were interviewed using a semi-structured script. Content analysis was the selected technique to identify aspects inherent to the transition of care. Results: based on the data obtained, four thematic categories were formed: Path marked by feelings and uncertainties; Path of comings and goings to the health network to acquire supplies; Learning path to develop home care and: Itinerary between social idealization and the reality experienced after transplantation. Conclusion: difficulties of recipients and family after liver transplantation were perceived, especially in the preparation for the transition of care and in coping and adapting to daily activities.


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How to Cite

Knhis, N. da S., Wachholz, L. F., Sens, S., Amante , L. N., & Mendes , K. D. S. (2021). The experience of patients undergoing liver transplantation in the transition of care. Rev Rene, 22, e61476.



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