Difficulties and strategies related to blood donation in a hemotherapy service





Nursing; Hemotherapy Service; Blood Donors; Health; Strategies.


Objective: to analyze the aspects that hinder blood donation and strategies to attract donors. Methods: qualitative study conducted with 12 donors. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using Content Analysis. Results: regarding the complicating aspects, the lack of time and little flexibility in service hours, the displacement in accessing the service and the fear of the donation process were scored. As strategies for attraction, the interviewees talked about the dissemination and internal campaigns in companies, education in schools and universities, loyalty of donors, flexibility in the hours of the blood center and mobile units for blood donation at strategic points in the city. Conclusion: donors pointed out difficulties and suggestions for strategies, constituting relevant information for innovative proposals that help in the process of attracting new blood donors.


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How to Cite

Mesquita, N. F., Vazquez, A. C. S., Duarte, M. de L. C., Silva, D. G. da, & Mattos, L. G. de. (2021). Difficulties and strategies related to blood donation in a hemotherapy service. Rev Rene, 22, e70830. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20212270830



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