Female body image and prevention of sexually transmitted infections





Body Image; Knowledge; Adolescent; HIV; Sexually Transmitted Diseases.


Objective: to identify the association between the perception of body image and the adoption of preventive measures for sexually transmitted infections by female adolescents. Methods: descriptive research, with a sequential quantitative-qualitative mixed method, in three full-time schools located in socially vulnerable neighborhoods. Results: 147 female adolescents participated, with a mean age of 14. Body image dissatisfaction by the Silhouettes Scale and the Adolescent Dissatisfaction Rating Scale predominated. There was a lack of knowledge about the female condom and the correct handling of the male condom to prevent sexually transmitted infections. Conclusion: there was no significant association among the variables: body image perception, knowledge of preventive measures, and sexual behavior; however, it was evidenced a tendency of the adolescents dissatisfied with their body image perception to expose themselves to sexual conduct with more than one partner at the same time. Furthermore, the adolescents' body image dissatisfaction influenced their knowledge about the female condom, and HIV. Contributions to practice: the actions of health promotion and education for adolescent girls should consider factors that raise the perception of positive body image, from strategies that reinforce self-esteem and safe sexual conduct.


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How to Cite

Araújo, T. S. de, Aragão, J. M. N., Barbosa Filho, V. C., Gubert, F. do A., Moura, J. R. A., Vieira, L. J. E. de S., & Vieira, N. F. C. (2022). Female body image and prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Rev Rene, 23, e81157. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20222381157



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