Spiritual care in patients hospitalized with COVID-19: scoping review





Spiritual Therapies; Spirituality; Hospital Care; COVID-19.


Objective: to map existing evidence on spiritual care for patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Methods: scoping review developed in accordance with methodological processes developed by the Joanna Briggs Institute, carried out through a search in the data bases SCOPUS, Science Direct, MEDLINE, Web of Science, CINAHL, and Google Scholar®, in addition to a reverse search in the works selected. The review included studies with evidence on the topic at hand, which had been published in any language, in any time frame. Results: 19 studies were analyzed, and 8 different spiritual care interventions were mapped, which were: listening to the spiritual pain of the patient; grief support; on-line video tools with content on faith and resilience; on-line calls with relatives; availability of religious representatives; spiritual triage; training professionals to provide spiritual care; and music therapy as an instrument of spirituality.  Conclusion: this review allowed mapping the evidence about spiritual care in patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of COVID-19, addressing strategies to bring spirituality into health care. Contributions to practice:this study contributes for the advancement of the practice of nursing regarding spirituality and patients with COVID-19, providing subsidies to use spirituality as a tool to support care and facilitate dealing with difficult situations.


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How to Cite

Dantas, A. C., Araújo, J. N. de M., Borges, B. E. C., Silva, A. B. da, Medeiros, H. P. da S., Carvalho, L. M. de, & Vitor, A. F. (2022). Spiritual care in patients hospitalized with COVID-19: scoping review. Rev Rene, 23, e81367. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20222381367



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