Aging and vulnerability: perspectives of LGBTQIA+ elderly persons




Nursing; Aged; Sexual and Gender Minorities; Qualitative Research.


Objective: to understand the perception of the LGBTQIA+ elderly person about social and programmatic vulnerability. Methods: qualitative study developed with ten elderly persons. The collection was done through an interview supported by a semi-structured instrument. Elderly people of both sexes and non-binary assisted in a reference center were included. We adopted content analysis through the thematic modality for data systematization. Results: human aging raised discussions about specific needs, such as sexuality. Treated as taboos, elderly individuals who belonged to sexual minority groups suffered double invisibility, especially in health services. Furthermore, the lack of social and family support resulted in psychological suffering and social vulnerability. Conclusion: through the reports, it is possible to identify important gaps in the assistance to the LGBTQIA+ elderly person, such as difficulty of access and generic health practices, which do not consider the particularities of this population, as well as discrimination and lack of spaces for coexistence. Contributions to practice: population aging raises discussions about the adequacy of health services in the face of the specific demands of the elderly, especially regarding sexuality and sexual and gender minorities.


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How to Cite

Espinola, I. E. R., Carvalho, L. F. de, Silva, D. F. da, Souza, J. M. M., Oliveira, F. M. R. L. de, Galindo Júnior, J. U. F., & Barbosa, K. T. F. (2023). Aging and vulnerability: perspectives of LGBTQIA+ elderly persons. Rev Rene, 24, e83200.



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