Intramuscular drug administration: characterization of Brazilian videos on YouTube®




Injections, Intramuscular; Instructional Film and Video; Drug Administration Routes; Patient Safety; Internet Use.


Objective: to characterize videos that contain a demonstration of the procedure for administering drugs intramuscularly to adults. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study, 44 Brazilian videos available on YouTube® were selected which addressed the procedure of intramuscular drug administration. Results: the majority of the videos selected are of personal origin (86.4%), were made by a Nursing technician (59.1%), used the dorsal gluteal region as the injection spot (54.5%), and were produced in a healthcare environment using a patient to demonstrate the procedure (52.3%). No video showed the completeness of the procedure, and a high frequency of errors was identified at all stages of the procedure. There was a statistically significant difference between the reliability and popularity tests of the videos (p=0.042). Conclusion: the videos on intramuscular drug administration available on the YouTube® platform were considered to be up-to-date, of little relevance, produced by unreliable sources, of low accuracy, and with a weak purpose. Contributions to practice: the videos available on the YouTube® platform on intramuscular drug administration should not be used as educational material for professional training or updating.


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How to Cite

Alves, L. G. S., Magnabosco, P., Godoy, S. de, Toneti, B. F., & Marchi-Alves, L. M. (2023). Intramuscular drug administration: characterization of Brazilian videos on YouTube®. Rev Rene, 24, e91711.



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