Strategic program for the fortification of infant foods with micronutrient powders: the voice of managers




Child Health; Child Nutrition; Applied Nutrition Programs; Health Promotion.


Objective: to describe the perception of health and education coordinators regarding the operationalization, strengths, and weaknesses of a Strategic Program for the Fortification of Infant Foods with Micronutrient Powders. Methods: qualitative search in nine municipalities that joined the program. Data collection was carried out using a semistructured questionnaire based on the operational manual of the program. Statements were analyzed considering content analysis. Results: 11 coordinators participated. Data found suggests differences regarding inadequate storage of sachets and the interval between cycles. There were difficulties regarding communication, team involvement, and professional turnover. Conclusion: actions associated with children diets are in accordance with primary health care attributes, having a positive impact on the identification of vulnerable groups, so we can seek health promotion and disease prevention. Contributions to practice: the results of this study can contribute to improve intersectoral work and raise questions about the difficulties associated with it, leading to an increased access to basic units and encouraging actions to promote adequate and healthy diets, in addition to organizing nutritional care.


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How to Cite

Vieira, D. O., Martins, M. C., Gubert, F. do A., Cavalcante , V. M. V., Fernandes, M. A. M., Castro, T. H., & Coelho, M. de M. F. (2024). Strategic program for the fortification of infant foods with micronutrient powders: the voice of managers. Rev Rene, 25, e93082.



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