Healthy Lifestyle Motivation Questionnaire: theoretical framework and validity evidence




Motivation; Validation Study; Healthy Lifestyle; Psychometrics; Technology.


Objective: to develop and verify evidence of the validity of the Healthy Lifestyle Motivation Questionnaire. Methods: methodological study anchored in Psychometrics. The construct was structured on the theory of self-determination and the constitutive elements of a healthy lifestyle. A total of 29 items were developed, evaluated by eight specialists and 30 users, and applied to a sample of 972 adults in nine Primary Health Care Units. Results: a questionnaire was developed containing 29 items with answers according to the quality of motivation. Evidence of content validity showed indices (0.75 to 1.0, p<0.05), with good theoretical formulation, while the response process allowed for adjustments to its items. The internal structure revealed a final model of 22 items distributed in four dimensions with an explained variance of 66.58%, factor loadings (0.349 to 0.911), adequate communality (0.20 ≤ h2 ≤ 0.98), and good accuracy indicators. Conclusion: the questionnaire, with 22 items in four dimensions, showed good evidence of construct validity, content validity, response process, and internal structure for measuring the construct. Contributions to practice: the application of the questionnaire can enhance health promotion actions related to lifestyle changes for the effective prevention of morbidities.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, I. S., Moreira, T. M. M., Arruda, L. S. N. de S., Lima, G. de S., Loureiro, A. M. O., Gomes, E. B., & Borges, J. W. P. (2024). Healthy Lifestyle Motivation Questionnaire: theoretical framework and validity evidence. Rev Rene, 25, e93456.



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