Nursing actions for overweight and obese children in the Family Health Strategy




Obesity; Overweight; Child Health; Nursing; Family Health Strategy.


Objective: to analyze the actions of nurses in the follow-up of the growth and development of overweight and obese children in the Family Health Strategy. Methods: qualitative research, developed through a semi-structured interview with 12 nurses from five Family Health Clinics whose data were submitted to thematic analysis. Results: nurses carry out anthropometric follow-up and analysis of these data in the health booklet, provide guidance on breastfeeding and the importance of a balanced diet for children and families, and their actions are carried out in Family Health Clinics, schools and homes. Conclusion: the nursing actions are focused on the child and the family’s self-care in order to prevent or minimize the effects of overweight and obesity in childhood and its repercussions for adult life.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, A. de S., Moraes, J. R. M. M. de, Goés, F. G. B. de, Silva, L. F. da, Broca, P. V., & Duarte, S. da C. M. (2019). Nursing actions for overweight and obese children in the Family Health Strategy. Rev Rene, 20, e33892.



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