Stressors in patients of neonatal intensive care unit




Intensive Care Units, Neonatal; Infant, Newborn; Noise; Lighting; Stress, Mechanical.


Objective: to analyze the stressors on patients in neonatal intensive care unit. Methods: a cross-sectional study, develop in a reference public maternity hospital, with 60 nursing professionals who cared for the 24 hospitalized newborn babies. For data collected, a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Stressor Scale in Intensive Care Units were used to identify the stressors. A value of p<0.05 was used for the tests. Results: of the total of professionals, 18 (30.0%) were nurses. Most of the newborns were premature-moderate, with hospitalization time between eight and 15 days. Being punctured by needles was the most stressful factor and silencing alarms the main action mentioned as a strategy to reduce stressors. Conclusion: the 15 stressors evaluated presented high mean scores, showing that neonatal intensive care unit is an environment that varies between stressful and very stressful for newborns.


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How to Cite

Vera, S. O. da, Gouveia, M. T. de O., Dantas, A. L. B., & Rocha, S. S. da. (2018). Stressors in patients of neonatal intensive care unit. Rev Rene, 19, e3478.



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