Analysis of childbirth care practices in a public maternity hospital




Natural Childbirth; Humanizing Delivery; Obstetric Nursing.


Objective: to analyze childbirth and birth care practices in a public maternity hospital. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study made in a tertiary maternity hospital with 264 puerperal women. Collection proceeded by means of a form based on good childbirth care practices. Results: prevalence of good childbirth care practices. It was observed that 233 (88.3%) received information, 256 (97.0%) had freedom of position, fetal monitoring occurred in 260 (98.5%), 198 (75.0%) used non-pharmacological pain relief methods, 263 (99.6%) were entitled to a companion, skin-to-skin contact in 258 (98.1%). Conclusion: practices such as early amniotomy and repeated touches were found that should be used with caution. In addition, the use of the Kristeller maneuver was verified, although in a low percentage, which should be eliminated from delivery care.


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How to Cite

Barros, M. A. R., Sousa , L. S. de ., Américo, C. F. ., Esteche, C. M. G. da C. E. ., Damasceno, A. K. de C. ., & Vasconcelos, F. X. (2019). Analysis of childbirth care practices in a public maternity hospital. Rev Rene, 20, e41650.



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