Nietzsche: resentment and the slave transmutation of morals


  • Antônio Rogério da Silva Moreira


Nietzsche. Resentment. Moral slave. Values.


This article discusses the nietzschean’s criticism about the values that permeate our culture. And evaluating these values, says Nietzsche, is to put in discussion, first and foremost, the cultural transvaluation promoted by Judeo-Christian morals, from its ground – that is the resentment. In his Genealogy of moral, more precisely in its first dissertation, the author makes an assessment of how the values “good and bad”, created by a moral of lords, transformed into “good and evil” respectively, by a moral of slaves. According to him, all values established by our culture are nothing more than the result of a transvaluation of the noble values, originated from strong and free people, towards a culture of weak and decadent values, forged by slave and weak people. A metaphysical moral that finally provides the weak a meaning for his life and suffering. Thus, based on his assessment, we try to place here that, for Nietzsche, the resentment occupies a central place in the history of the emergence of a particular form of valuation, the slave one.

Author Biography

Antônio Rogério da Silva Moreira

Mestre em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC / Funcap)





Ética e Filosofia Política