Self-care to elderly after cerebrovascular accident: caregiver and academics experiences


  • Márcia Gabriela Gomes Nascimento
  • Paula Cristina Figueiredo Martins
  • Zélia Marilda Rodrigues Resck
  • Eliza Maria Rezende Dázio
  • Fábio Souza Terra



Aged, Stroke, Self Care, Caregivers, Patient Care Team, Nursing.


Objective: understand the experiences of the caregiver and multidisciplinary health academics toward the development of self-care at home for elderly after cerebrovascular accident. Methods: qualitative study with the use of semi-structured interviews with six caregivers and eight academics whose data were analyzed in the light of the Phenomenology. Results: three categories emerged: living with the challenges and limitations imposed on the caregiver and on the person being cared; the professional being and the technic conservatism; the multidisciplinary team at home: experiences with the caregiver andthe person being cared. Conclusion: caregivers of elderly who went through cerebrovascular accident need more supportand guidance for conducting home care, they need a plan of care to facilitate and encourage self-care, minimizing the burdenincurred to the caregiver. Multidisciplinary academics displayed a technical view. This demonstrates the need for change in academic education with more focus on a holistic and humanistic view of care.





How to Cite

Nascimento, M. G. G., Martins, P. C. F., Resck, Z. M. R., Dázio, E. M. R., & Terra, F. S. (2015). Self-care to elderly after cerebrovascular accident: caregiver and academics experiences. Rev Rene, 16(5), 682–689.



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