Perceptions and attitudes of children experiencing obesity
Pediatric Obesity; Weigth Loss; Body Image; Pediatric Nursing; Life Style.Abstract
Objective: to learn how obese children perceive and experience the condition of obesity in everyday life. Methods: qualitative research carried out with 14 children aged six to ten years. Data were collected through open interviews and subjected to content analysis under the thematic modality. Results: three categories emerged: Body self-perception of obese children - showing the dissatisfaction with physical shape; Recognizing the effects of obesity - portraying the difficulties experienced and how much excess weight interferes in daily life; and Seeking alternatives to lose weight – describing the initiatives (not always correct) of the children and their families for weight reduction. Conclusion: children see themselves as overweight and this condition interferes with their daily lives, the practice of physical activities, social relations and mental health, when there is bullying at school or at home.
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