Quality of life of patients with vasculogenic ulcers in outpatient treatment
Quality of Life; Leg Ulcer; Ambulatory Care.Abstract
Objective: assess the quality of life of patients with vasculogenic ulcers in outpatient treatment. Methods: this is a quantitative, descriptive-comparative study of the type before and after, carried out at an outpatient unit specialized in the treatment of complex wounds, with patients suffering from vasculogenic ulcers, totaling 10 patients and 26 wounds. Results: the overall score for quality of life increased 6.8 units on average. In the overall evaluation, epithelialized tissue, presence of foul odor, conduction of surgical debridement and use of hydrogel were influencers of higher scores. Conclusion: there was a significant increase in quality of life scores in all areas and in the overall score. The aspects type of tissue and odor influenced significantly the increase of the scores of all the domains and of the overall score.
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