Skills of premature newborns to oral feeding initiation
Infant, Premature; Feeding Behavior; Breast Feeding; Neonatal Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to identify the scientific evidence about the abilities of premature neonates in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, to oral feeding initiation. Methods: integrative review, held in the databases Scopus, Cinahl, Medline, Lilacs, Science Direct and Web of Science, not controlled and with no timeframe, using the key words: Recém-Nascido Prematuro/Premature, Infant; Comportamento Alimentar/Feeding Behavior and Aleitamento Materno/Breast Feeding, crossing them with the AND operator. Inclusion criteria: full available in Portuguese, English and Spanish, without year limitation; and exclusion: articles that did not answer the research question, repeated and from other scientific sources. Results: the scientific productions revealed that the sensory-motor-oral stimulation, non-nutritious sucking and evaluation of hemodynamic parameters favor the transition from probe-oral to breastfeeding. Conclusion: we identified evidence that prove that the use of the stimulation and skills development facilitate, in less time, the beginning of oral feeding.
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