Understanding the health needs of adult men: a male perspective
Men’s Health; Health Services Needs and Demand; Gender and Health; Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to understand the health needs of adult men from a male perspective. Methods: it is a qualitative research, performed with ten men, aged 29 to 59 years old. The data were collected in semi-structured interviews and submitted to the content analysis, thematic modality, using the Health Needs Taxonomy. Results: men’s health needs are related to living conditions as financial, emotional and political aspects, and attendance in health, based on the respect and access to technologies, including the need to bond with professionals of reference and autonomy in the way of taking care of themselves. It is observed that these needs are influenced by social constructions of gender. Conclusion: male health needs are diverse, heterogeneous and socially constructed, and I requires inter-sectional actions in understanding the breadth of these actions to establish effective care.
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