Development of the clinical reasoning of nurses of an emergency hospital service
Clinical Decision-Making; Thinking; Organization and Administration; Emergency Nursing; Emergency Service, Hospital.Abstract
Objective: to understand the development of the clinical reasoning of nurses working in an emergency hospital service. Methods: qualitative research, with methodological reference of the Grounded Theory. Data collection took place through interviews, with a theoretical sample of 21 participants and analysis using substantive and theoretical coding. Results: the central category was identified as Knowing what to do, and four conceptual categories: 1) Uncovering the nurse’s duties in the emergency service; 2) Improving clinical reasoning through professional experience; 3) Providing care with quality and safety for the patient; and 4) Conquering professional recognition from the health team. Conclusion: the development of nurses’ clinical reasoning is a cumulative, experiential, and gradual process of knowing what to do in an emergency. It is based on the collaborative work with the health team and on the acquisition of technical-scientific knowledge to perform qualified assistance to patients.
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