Repercussions of cow’s milk allergy from the perspective of mothers
Milk Hypersensitivity; Maternal and Child Health; Social Support; Breast Feeding; Diet.Abstract
Objective: understanding the repercussions of cow’s milk allergy from the perspective of mothers. Methods: qualitative study, carried out with nine mothers who were found in Facebook groups. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and submitted to content analysis. Results: three categories emerged: living with the unpreparedness of health services and professionals to diagnose and treat allergies to cow’s milk protein; social isolation: the result of fear and misunderstanding; and the mother as the central figure of care. Conclusion: the rigorous alimentary restriction that results from allergies to the protein in cow’s milk significantly reverberates in the lives of children and families, especially mothers, leading to the social isolation of the family and to insecurity in the use of health and education services, due to the lack of knowledge and preparation of the professionals.
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