Quality of nursing care: contributions from expert nurses in medical-surgical nursing
Nursing Care; Specialties, Nursing; Quality Assurance, Health Care; Nursing; Hospitals.Abstract
Objective: to identify the performance of activities congruent with the quality standards of nursing care by expert nurses in medical-surgical nursing, in the hospital context. Methods: a descriptive study, carried out in 36 hospitals, in which 259 nurses specialized in medical-surgical nursing participated. For data collection, a questionnaire was used, later analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: the participating nurses evaluated activities related to the dimensions of responsibility and rigor, customer satisfaction and prevention of complications with better scores; and with lower scores, activities integrated in the dimensions of health promotion, functional readaptation and well-being and self-care. Conclusion: although the findings show the performance of expert nurses in the medical-surgical nursing area that tends to be consistent with quality standards, gaps in professional practice and potentialities that can support the qualification process of these professionals were signaled, alert managers and qualify nursing care.
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