Childbirth care in a regional healthcare network of the Mãe Paranaense Network
Pregnancy; Health Care (Public Health); Delivery, Obstetric; Quality Assurance, Health Care.Abstract
Objective: to analyze childbirth care in a regional healthcare unit within the Mãe Paranaense Network. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted with 395 mothers applying a structured questionnaire, data analysis using the Chi-Squared test or G-test, complemented by an adjusted residual analysis (p<0.05). Results: higher education, higher income, abortion and interpartal period <2 years increased cesarean rates. Intrapartum complications and antibiotic therapy were related to cesarean sections. Most did not visit the maternity, had their delivery choice respected, had a companion and mother-baby contact; however, 28.9% did not have their delivery choice respected. Conclusion: there was a reduction in cesarean sections among multiparous, an increase in women who suffered a miscarriage, with an interpartal interval <2 years. Antibiotic therapy and disrespect for the delivery choice were greater for women undergoing cesarean sections. Use of oxytocin, presence of a companion and mother-baby contact were more evident in vaginal delivery.
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