Maternal difficulties in home care for newborns
Postpartum Period; Infant Care; Infant, Newborn; Perinatal Care.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the association between maternal difficulties in home care for newborns and parity. Methods: cross-sectional study, carried out in Primary Health Care in a Brazilian municipality. The sample consisted of 247 puerperal women, whose data collection took place by using two questionnaires, applied in home visits. The data were analyzed using Pearson’s chi-square test. Results: it was observed that both primiparous and multiparous women had a very high percentage of difficulties related to care, however, primigravid women showed greater obstacles in the care related to bathing and belching while multiparous women reported greater obstacles during breastfeeding. The worry with the choice of clothes and the umbilical stump was statistically significant, regardless of the number of gestations. Conclusion: there were difficulties, regardless of the woman’s previous obstetric experience, being mainly associated with insecurity, concern, and helplessness.
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