The therapeutic contact during the labam: source of wellnes and relaxation


  • Isolda Pereira da Silveira
  • Antonia do Carmo Soares Campos
  • Ana Fátima Carvalho Fernandes


Therapeu touch, delaxation.


The experience in being close to the women providing comfort through massages for the whole labor, took us to accomplish this study aiming at to demonstrate the therapeutic value of the massage, in the sense of promoting relaxation, comfort and relief of the pains during the labor. This study bases on a report of experience lived at a Maternity in Fortaleza-Ce. They announced fifteen parturientes in the period agust/setember of 2001. Utilizamos direct observation and interview. We concluded that the therapeutic touch is efficient, it calms, it relaxes, it induces to the change of the woman’s behavior, it reduces the analgesia need, besides constituting in a connection link between the nurse and the woman baby.




How to Cite

Silveira, I. P. da, Campos, A. do C. S., & Fernandes, A. F. C. (2002). The therapeutic contact during the labam: source of wellnes and relaxation. Rev Rene, 3(1). Retrieved from



Experience Report

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