Effects of lockdown on COVID-19 incidence in the health emergency phase of the pandemic





COVID-19; Quarantine; Physical Distancing; Incidence.


Objective: to assess the effects of lockdown on the incidence of COVID-19 during the health emergency phase of the pandemic. Methods: this is a cross-sectional ecological study. Data was collected from the websites of the State Data Analysis System Foundation and Araraquara City Hall. To analyze the incidence of COVID-19, cases reported in the municipality were considered. A regression model with a negative binomial distribution and a logarithmic link function was used to compare the periods in terms of daily cases. Results: for all age groups except those under 20, there was a statistical difference in the incidence coefficients. For females, the decline in the incidence of the disease was more significant. Considering both sexes and all age groups, there was a 49% reduction in the incidence of cases. Conclusion: There was a significant reduction in the incidence of the disease in the general population of the municipality. Contributions to practice: the availability and adoption of traditional public health measures, such as lockdown, proved essential to reducing cases and deaths from emerging respiratory virus diseases without treatment or vaccine.


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How to Cite

Poli, P., Ribeiro, A. C., Corrêa, A. P. V., & Uehara, S. C. da S. A. (2024). Effects of lockdown on COVID-19 incidence in the health emergency phase of the pandemic. Rev Rene, 25, e92274. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20242592274



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